ToGather Together SEEKS FUNDS
ToGather Together (TGTg) provides free school supplies for over 3,700 children & youth in need in Johnson County. TGTg is a project started by the Consultation of Religious Communities and involves approximately 30 different faith communities, many businesses, Johnson County social services groups and many, many individuals. As the need continues to grow in our area we are seeing an increase in requests -- what started as an effort to provide supplies for 200 children from the years 2000-2007 has now grown to over 3,700 children & youth.
TGTg is seeking funds to purchase school supplies to support children & youth in Johnson County. If you are interested in providing monetary donations please send a check to “ToGather Together” at P.O. Box 2025, Iowa City, IA 52244.
To learn more about getting involved or for any questions, please contact a co-director: Karrie Craig, or Marsha Lowe,
Thank you for your continued support of ToGather Together.