Join Us for Worship--Fourth Sunday in Lent

Join Us for Worship on Sunday, March 10, at 10:15 a.m.

WE LIVE STREAM OUR WORSHIP SERVICES AT 10:15 ON SUNDAY MORNING. You can join us online in real time at This streaming address is the same each week.

 The video of Sunday’s worship service will be posted after worship at

You can view and download the bulletin here.


“So do not worry about tomorrow…. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

As with much of the Sermon on the Mount, those words bring mixed feelings.

One person claims that “Of all the passages in the Bible about trust in God, this is probably the most beloved.”

Another imagines those first disciples of Jesus hearing this “with a combination of confusion and horror.”

You can probably find yourself somewhere along that continuum.

Scripture Lessons: Isaiah 49:8-16a; Matthew 6:25-34

Sermon: “Todays Troubles Are Enough”

The Rev. Bill Lovin preaching


Anthem           “Lead Me On”            Brian Schmidt

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.