The Christian life is lived together. We gather to worship, we work with each other in mission, we study in groups, we bear one another’s burdens, and we talk and laugh together over coffee. We give together. We grow together.
In this time of renewal and new growth, a good number of UI students are making this their church home. Staff changes are opening new possibilities for our congregation. We gave thanks for the ministry of Ann Molsberry and chose Hope Spragg as your new interim Director of Christian Education. Rachel Burchett is our new Children’s Choir Director. New members are bringing fresh outlooks. Together we continue to experience growing energy and growing enthusiasm for our shared ministry and mission.
So we invite you: Please continue Giving Together and Growing Together as you generously support the ministry and mission of Congregational UCC in 2025..
For over 165 years, the Congregational United Church of Christ has been a center of life and a beacon of light in Iowa City. Your increased giving will help us to let the light of God’s love shine from our downtown corner in the coming year.
Thanks again for your faithful stewardship.