MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP SERVICE-7:00 p.m on Thursday, April 14

Live Stream Link

Join us on Thursday, April 14, at 7:00 p.m. for our Maundy Thursday worship service with communion and Tenebrae.

This is the night when we remember the “New Commandment” that Jesus gave to the disciples at the supper on the night before his death, that we should love one another. (Maundy is derived from the Latin mandatum, which means “to command.”) We will celebrate the sacrament of communion as we acknowledge our deep human need for one another, our hunger and thirst.

After communion we will hold the service of Tenebrae. Tenebrae is the Latin term for “shadows.” It is a service of scripture lessons accompanied by the gradual extinguishing of lights as we hear the story of the betrayal and arrest of Jesus, leading to his crucifixion.

You can watch the live stream of the worship service at ttps://

Here's the full schedule for Holy Week:

April 14--Maundy Thursday, Communion and Service of Tenebrae at 7:00 p.m.

April 15--Good Friday, worship at noon.

April 17--Easter Sunday,

  • Early Outdoor Worship service at 8:00 a.m.--masks recommended. (Masks required if we need to move indoors because of rain.)
  • Breakfast begins at 8:30 in Rockwood Hall
  • Festival Worship with brass and choir at 10:15