Hope Spragg

Image of Hope Spragg
Director of Christian Education

Hope Spragg is the interim Director of Christian Education for the school year 2024-2025.

Hope grew up in Waterloo, Iowa and received her B.A. in art education in 1999 from the University of Iowa. She has taught art in both public and private settings, and in recent years, focusing on her own drawing and painting inspired by nature and birds. She and her husband spent several years in Asheville, NC, where Hope was a co-founder of Scapegoat Theatre Collective, a small production company that partnered with local non-profits to shed light and awareness on relevant social justice issues. 

In 2012, with two toddlers in tow, Hope and her husband moved back to Iowa City to experience another side of the city, family life. Shortly after moving back, we found UCC to be a good fit for our family and have remained here ever since.  Matt works in the UI emergency department and Hope stayed at home until her youngest flew the coop to preschool. With a passion for art and play, Hope joined her son at school, as a teacher at Preucil Preschool where she taught for seven years. Her days include artmaking, yoga (as a student & teacher), City High show choir volunteering and walking her dogs. 

Personal statement:

I grew up and was baptized at Grace Brethren in Waterloo, Iowa. While I was introduced to God’s love, the beauty of a church family and an appreciation for traditional worship, the fundamentalist theology left more fear than hope in my heart. While in Asheville, NC, we found a joyful church community in Jubilee! A non-denominational congregation grounded in Creation Spirituality, a non-dogmatic faith that includes mysticism, spiritual activism and the practice of honoring all of creation as a holy gift. After moving back to Iowa City, and quite frankly missing the dogma of Christianity, we found ourselves at the front doors of the beautiful downtown Congregational United Church of Christ.

The traditional aesthetic and beautiful music, both choral and organ, sent me back to my childhood, in a good way. Whatever the sermon was that day, Rev. Bill Lovin, the message was clear: a respect, non-judgment and acceptance for each (and every) person’s journey, outside and inside of the church’s door. Here, “we work and pray for peace and justice and fullness of life for all people.” (via our mission) I’ve served on the Mission board for four years and it has given me great fulfillment to work in partnership with members of our church community and organizations such as UAY, Open Heartland, IC Pride, CommUnity and many more. 

I’m honored to lead our Christian education program this year. I look forward to creating rich relationships and inspired experiences for our children, focusing on the hope of God’s love. You are encouraged to visit and bring a friend. We offer a safe, warm and welcoming environment and wherever you are on your journey, we’ll be happy you are here.