As we reopen and resume many in-person activities, the leadership of our congregation continues to keep up to date on the pandemic trends. The well-being of everyone is a priority. We want to care for each other and offer a warm welcome to all visitors.
Beginning on Sunday, December 12, all pews in the sanctuary will be open for seating. Worshipers may sit where they prefer. Social distancing is still encouraged.
All people over two years of age in the church building for any event, including worship, must be masked.
The congregation is invited to sing!
The worship service will be live streamed to the big screen in Rockwood Hall on Sunday morning at 10:15. If you would like to worship with us but aren't comfortable in the sanctuary, this is a good option.
The worship service is also live streamed here each Sunday at 10:15 so that you can join us from home or another location if you can't get to the church. And the service will then be posted online for viewing at any time.