One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

Palm Sunday--April 14

On Palm Sunday, April 14, we will dedicate our One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering. This offering has long been an important part of the life of our congregation. Once again, last year we were one of the Top 100 UCC congregations based on per capita giving to OGHS.

One Great Hour is a Christian effort to empower, provide water, supply food, and give relief from disasters. It began in the Episcopal Church in 1946 when a goal of one million dollars per year was set for World Relief. That year members were challenged to raise “one million dollars in one hour.” Since 1949 this offering has united Christians of many denominations, including the UCC, in a common cause.

In a world where communities are being displaced by the catastrophes of war, famine, and natural disaster, our congregation joins with many others in standing in solidarity with those who seek to move beyond the trauma of displacement toward the promise of healing and peace. Your generous gift will support the relief work of not only the UCC but also many other denominations united in caring for refugees, in providing medical care, and in disaster recovery efforts. You can watch videos about the work that OGHS makes possible here:

Let us join in this great tradition and give generously, not because we have to, but because we can.