Read About the Changes Here

The Reopening Committee has decided to resume in-person worship in the sanctuary beginning this Sunday, September 12, at 10:15 a.m. Putting the safety of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in our congregation and the community first, we have made several adjustments listed below. Those who are ready and feel comfortable with these arrangements are invited to join us in person.

This Sunday, and for a few more upcoming Sundays, our worship services will be posted online later in the afternoon. And all of the worship services will be online permanently for viewing at other times. While we are still working out some of the technical issues, our plan is to begin live-streaming the worship services in a few weeks, so that you will be able join us online—and in real time—if that is your choice.


Masks are required for all people of all ages. To this end there are notifications on tables at the parking lot entrance, and the Clinton St. entrance.  Masks are available for those who arrive without one at Clinton St. and parking lot entrances and at the entrance of the sanctuary.  Hand sanitizer is available in the building.


Pews will be marked off to allow for social distancing in the sanctuary.


The bulletins will be available on tables at the entrance to the Sanctuary but will not be handed out by the ushers. 


There will be no announcements from the congregation but a book for announcements will be present next to the “prayer request book” outside the Sanctuary.  


We will not receive and offering during worship but offering plates will be available outside the Sanctuary and on the tables inside the Sanctuary.


The congregation will not sing but the choir will sing an anthem and two hymns.  


There will be no Coffee Hour after worship. People are encouraged to meet and greet outside. 


Because of the higher quality microphones being used for the service, please know that casual conversation may be heard on the taped services.