Alexandria worked at the front desk of the emergency room at Mercy Hospital for 11 years before she was diagnosed with kidney failure, hypertension, and heart blockage in March 2017. Her doctor encouraged her to she seek out a less stressful job, so she started taking medical office professional certificate classes at Kirkwood in Iowa City. 

Alexandria pulled out all of the money she saved in her 401(k) in order to complete her education. She attends classes for four hours a day, four days a week, and works part-time for Iowa City.

In October, her savings ran out and she couldn't pay rent. Alexandria has been self-sufficient for years, so asking for help is very difficult. One day in class, Alexandria was thinking about being evicted, which brought her to tears. Her teacher noticed and encouraged her to write a letter seeking help from local churches and nonprofits. The Crisis Center provided her $100 in rent assistance through the Emergency Assistance Program.

Alexandria is still facing serious financial and health challenges, but she is preparing to finish her certificate in December 2017 and is currently applying to jobs in the area and has heard back from several employers.

Our support helps people like Alexandria feed their children, keep their lights on, and avoid homelessness. Please keep the Crisis Center and its clients in your prayers.