It has been quite a week! There’s a lot of uncertainty and change. Here at the church we’ve been working to respond to a community with growing needs and to church members who are challenged by these days.

First—news about Sunday worship services in the weeks ahead. While we have suspended in person worship, each Sunday we will post a worship service on the church website at Find the menu bar at the top of the page and click “Church Service.” Initially these services will be “prerecorded” on Saturday morning. We are also exploring a live stream. But check the website this Sunday, March 22. There will be prayers, music, scripture lessons and a sermon. If you have prayer requests, please email them Bill at by 10:00 on Saturday morning for them to be included in the worship service.

A separate email on Saturday, March 21, will provide an order for the worship service.

We are also looking for other ways to connect with one another. Possibilities include online Bible study or book group, online daily prayer, and phone friends. Let us know what interests you.

Several members have indicated their willingness to help others with shopping, errands, etc. If you need help, please call the church office at 337-4301, or email Bill at And contact us if you have ways in which you would like to help others. (There is more below on ways in which community organizations are responding to the pandemic.

We are looking into ways in which we can significantly help the CommUnity Food Bank and the Common Fund. Watch for mor information.

Please remember that even though we aren’t meeting in person, the ministry and mission of our congregation continues each day even as it changes to meet changing circumstances. Your financial giving is very important in these days. We know there is a lot of financial turmoil and uncertainty as well, but as much as is possible given your personal circumstances, please keep your pledge up to date. You can mail checks to the church office—30 N. Clinton St., Iowa City, IA 52245—or call the church to arrange for automatic giving.

As always, Bill Lovin is here for you, for our congregation, and for our community. The staff of Congregational UCC is here to support you and we are here for one another.

AND NOW, FOR A FEW ANNOUNCEMENTS (Because there are always announcements.)

Many of these are about cancellations.

The March 29 CROP Walk has been cancelled. There is more information to come about ways to give and a possible “Virtual CROP Walk.”

Habitat for Humanity has suspended all volunteer opportunities indefinitely.

The Shelter House Book Sale has been postponed and they are pausing book donations.

Iowa City and Coralville are not collecting fare on city busses. They ask people to board using the rear door.

The Free Lunch dining room is closed and they are preparing food for takeout. Congregational UCC is serving on March 30. Only a small crew is needed. For more information, please call the church office—337-4301.

The challenges ahead are many. The way ahead is not clear. We make the way as we walk it together. Each day is a gift. This is the day that God has made—let us rejoice and be glad in it.